Yes, she's still breathing. No, that breathing isn't strained. Yes, she's still in her crib. No, noone took her out and stole her when you weren't looking.
Being a new mom is an interesting conflict between your left and right brain. All your instincts are clamoring for you to sit right by her and watch her like a hawk 24-7. Unfortunately, you would think that your right brain would help out occasionally. Not so! Your logical side is ready and willing to chip in and keep those irrational fires burning.
Instinct: Is she still breathing?
Rationality: Probably.
Instinct: What do you mean probably, I thought you were here to make me feel better!
Rationality: Well, SIDS is real and there is a statistical chance...
Instinct: You suck.
Laugh if you want. When you have a kid, it will happen to you too. It is getting better. As the lingering hormones work out of my system and lack of sleep kicks in, I forget to worry. I even let Jamey have yardworkers over yesterday. (I didn't like strangers around my territory prior to that. Roar!) Having said all this, everyone who comes over comments at how calm I am compared to when they had thier first kid. I'm going to guess that is age. I can't imagine being able to handle all this as well at 23 as I am at 32. Plus Ruby only cries maybe 10 minutes total a day. It's hard to get stressed out when you have such a happy baby.

I hate to say it, but the fear and overprotectiveness don't go away (but they do dissapate a little when you have 4!) You will eventually start to realize that Ruby is more flexible than a rubberband, a kiss really does make it all better, and Mommy knows everything.
I love the pictures. She seems so tiny! Nothing like using a contrast of a theme park to demonstrate your different styles. I howled!
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