Thursday, September 20, 2007

And Baby Makes 3

A pretty good month for Ruby. She learned to babble and stick out her tongue. Looks like a Thighmaster "Before" picture too as she fattens up. She's wearing 6-9 months clothes now.


Andrea said...

Awww! She looks so cute. How long is she ... maybe it is just the camera angle, but she looks like she could play for the Lakers! Congrats on managing to make it to the three month mark without a)leaving the carseat on top of the car with the baby in it (they are always doing that on the movies) or b) returning the baby to the hospital with a note attached (we tried this, they told us that since we had opened it, we had to keep it). :) Seriously, I hope motherhood is treating you well. She looks adorable.


Griner said...

She is totally not 3 months old. Update! Tell the world about the zombie hiss!

Stacy Taylor said...

New cooking mama address! I'm having some difficulties with my old account, please reference the new one at

where (yes, David) I will tell people about the two languages Ruby speaks, motorboat and zombie.