Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hoody Towel of August - late again!

I DID take this picture in August, but am just now able to make a post. We have an offer out on a house (more on that later) and if it goes through, I will probably not have many posts this month. However, I hate to leave my adoring fans with no odd baby photos, so here is Ruby pretending to be a frog.

In other news, her daycare has a curriculum each week. This week is learning about ducks. I sure hope next week is something more useful like learning to sleep through the night. Ruby has regressed and my sanity has suffered!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

She has the googly eyes down pat :) She is adorable. I'm sorry she has regressed. It happens to almost everybody. Hang in there, I hear it gets better. Tabitha has been sleeping through the night for four weeks now, but I'm not holding my breath that it will last.
