Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Begin the Begin

With much inspiration from my brother and sister-in-law and my friend Dawn, I now know that anybody with a keyboard and two thoughts in their head can start a blog. So far, I hadn't felt the need myself, but last week my daughter Ruby was born and I started a new chapter in my life. My friends Atlee and Amanda write a letter to their children at the end of each year and will give it to them on their 18th birthday. An awesome idea, but I'm a horrible letter writer. So in the interest of not forgetting these first forays into parenthood, I decided on a blog as the best method of documenting my (and my husband Jamey's) complete ineptness when it comes to child rearing! I don't promise to update daily, but I will try my best to get in at least one post a week. (insert Scarlett O'Hara impersonation here) While I can't promise the savior fare of my brother's writing, I can promise lackadaisical spelling and maybe some insight into what its like when a 32 year old logical problem solver decides to take on the completely illogical process of raising a human being.

1 comment:

Griner said...

Awesome! I'm so excited. This will be a nice primer for those of us not yet with child.

Oh, and thanks for noting my "savior fare." It's good to know I kick it like Blogging Baby Jesus.