Friday, July 6, 2007

Capture the Flag

There's pressure to capture all the new things your kid can do. After all, I have these blanks in the baby books to fill in and I'm certain that if I don't notice that batting at an object is a huge accomplishment worth noting of the date, then I am probably going to hear about it when Ruby notices said blank page of accomplishments later on.

Imagine my surprise when I realized have already missed a milestone. I did not pay proper due to her FIRST HOLIDAY and FIRST FOURTH OF JULY. Now, there is an entire page in the baby book for these fantastic events. I suppose I should have dressed her in a red white and blue outfit, lit some sparklers and took some pictures. Instead, may I present the photos taken that day which will now grace the pages of her FIRST HOLIDAY.

Her monkey like abilities to gain nourishment.

In response to my request for Jamey to "Take her and diaper her butt."

What a relief! Now I am free to miss up as many firsts as I would like.


Karen said...

Technically, her first holiday was flag day, since she was born on June 14. So that's TWO you've missed - and both are supposed to be spent honoring our country. You must be the most unpatriotic mother ever.

Andrea said...

Oh my God! You mean I was supposed to take pictures on the 4th of July. I spent the entire evening giving evil stares at the area kids who were shooting off fireworks and waking up my baby at 1 a.m. I'm a horrible mother.